Artisan Spotlight: Celementine
Growing up, Clementine felt hated by her father. She was always fighting for his love, and her mother never gave her a clear answer about why he was the way he was. She could sense real hate from her father. He didn’t cause any physical harm, but he emotionally damaged her.
Clementine eventually found the grace to forgive her father. She thought that maybe he had a difficult childhood and he didn’t know how to give or accept love, even from his own family. Clementine even doubted if he was her real father, as he was so cold towards his children.
Being hated by her father was one of her biggest scars, and it made her feel rejected, caused self-hate, and brought about anger issues. She became withdrawn and wasn’t interested in talking to anyone. Despite her father’s feelings toward her, she didn’t feel the need to compare him to the other men she met later, which helped her not to hold any grudges or resentment towards her father.
Coming to DuHope has contributed to her healing process, especially in becoming a better mother. She used dislike her own son because he looked like her father. Every time she tried to love him as she should, she would see her father’s image in her son.
With the help of DuHope staff and counselors, she has learned to love her son and communicate with him. Their bond is much stronger now. Some women could even make fun of her because her son looks nothing like her. Learning to love her son has helped her to manage her anger.
In DuHope, she has found a community that doesn’t judge her. She feels loved and accepted, and she can feel genuine love from everyone. DuHope staff make her feel like a normal human being, something she never felt on the street.
She feels peaceful and calm at the moment and has no bad addictions.