Artisan Spotlight: Jeanne I

Before arriving at DuHope, Jeanne had led a life as a sex worker. Escaping the confines of her village, she journeyed to Kigali in search of a better future, only to find herself caught up in the world of prostitution, introduced to it by another worker. Surrounded by the same environment that trapped her, she discovered how difficult it was to break free from that way of life.

For a staggering eight years, she remained entangled in the shadows, resorting to theft and living as a loner. Her heart endured immense pain and countless betrayals, until the day she stumbled upon DuHope, where the transformative power of counseling awaited her.

Counseling became her guiding light, illuminating a path to a new existence. It breathed life into her weary soul, allowing her to rise from the ashes. With newfound hope, she ardently advocates for counseling, urging those undergoing hardships to seek solace in its embrace. Driven by her own experiences, she reaches out to others who have walked similar paths, offering a hand of understanding and empathy.

Though a single mother, the whereabouts of her son's father remain unknown. Presently, she finds herself in the arms of a loving partner, their shared happiness blossoming for over a year. Their hearts entwined, they dream of exchanging vows and legalizing their union soon.

DuHope's transformative influence has forever altered her existence. It opened doors she never knew existed, shielding her from the snares of her former life. In the shelter's nurturing embrace, she discovered the solace of prayer and the beauty of diving into God's word, which has become a sincere passion. Continually seeking spiritual growth, she embraces the light that guides her every step.

Within Duhope's warm embrace, she experienced love and acceptance, igniting a flame of confidence that had long flickered in her soul. She discovered her worth and felt valued, becoming a beacon of inspiration to others. The blessings bestowed upon her by DuHope have enabled her to provide for her family, as she triumphantly earns a steady income each month. And in the sisterhood fostered within these walls, she nurtures bonds devoid of bitterness, cherishing the strength of womanhood.

Yearning for independence, she harbors dreams of entrepreneurship, poised to unleash her passions onto the world. She envisions a flourishing enterprise, raising chickens, hens, and even pigs, while simultaneously establishing a thriving food business. Meanwhile, her son finds solace in the loving arms of his grandmother, settled in their ancestral village, as she forges ahead, determined to conquer life's challenges with unwavering determination.