Artisan Spotlight: Philomene
One of the hardest things that Philomene has had to endure is the hate from her grandmother. She never understood why she was never nice to her. Her grandmother had a daughter the same age as Philomene, but her grandmother treated them very differently and it was very damaging to her as a young girl.
When the daughter of her grandmother passed away the hatred grew more, and Philomene thought maybe her grandmother wanted her to die instead of her daughter.
In addition to this, Philomene terminated two pregnancies, which has brought so much guilt in her life. Even after feeling that what she did was a sin and understanding God has forgiven her, she still struggles to accept God’s forgiveness.
The mistreatment and abuse from men on the streets also damaged her emotionally; she used to have so much anger and would get involved in a lot of fights. She also hated talking to people.
Having to raise 2 boys on her own without a father was another nightmare, but after knowing God, she forgave him and her grandmother. She is still in touch with her grandmother and their conversations don’t involve any hate. Knowing God helped her understand that when people don’t have a relationship with God they may exhibit hurtful behaviors - this has encouraged her to give them grace and forgiveness with God’s help.
She has learned how to talk to people and build new friendships, which also contributes to her healing. DuHope staff are very patient with her and are always willing to listen and offer support.