Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness
When we read about kindness in the Bible, we see that it is not just about words or being polite, nor is it merely about being passive. Kindness requires us to actively care for those around us. It calls us to see the needs of others and actively try to address them. Kindness is a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus, emulating who He is and how He acted during His time on earth.
I often see examples of kindness from the DuHope staff and artisans. Recently, when two of our artisans each lost a parent, a few of their fellow artisans offered to travel with them to their hometown to attend the funeral and provide support. Additionally, when a staff member recently fell ill, two colleagues stayed with them late into the night at the hospital to ensure they received the care they needed before going home. In these instances, they did not merely offer words; they actively stepped up to be there for one another.
We see various examples of kindness in action in the Bible, such as the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). As the story goes, many people passed by the man on the road without attempting to help. The Samaritan could have simply felt pity or empathy and kept walking; however, he did not walk past. Instead, he acted with generosity and kindness by taking care of the man in need.
In all of these scenarios, those extending kindness did not expect anything in return; their kindness was not self-serving but was purely about supporting those in need. Kindness is about treating others with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances, and extending forgiveness as we have been forgiven. This is at the core of the mission of DuHope: that women who have experienced a lack of kindness would feel respected, worthy, valued, and deserving of kindness. In turn, we see them extend kindness to others around them.